St Lucia - Place of Wonder
The St Lucia region is famous for it's huge biodiversity in animals big and small, ranging from elephants and rhino the the giant humpback whales which visit during our winter and spring months. Activities available in the St Lucia range from open vehicle safaris and self guided walking trails to snorkeling along protected inshore reefs at Cape Vidal.
The St Lucia region contains the highest vegetated dunes in the world, extensive and diverse wetland systems, as well as coastal grasslands with an associated fauna which includes Africa's highest density of common reed buck. Numerous waterfowl, grassland, forest and sea birds provide an attraction to birdwatchers from around the world.
Eco-tourist amenities include game drives, night drives, fishing, turtle tours (seasonal Nov-March), whale watching (seasonal June-Nov.), Estuary boat cruise, the St. Lucia Crocodile Center or (self) guided trails through the coastal forest along the edge of the St Lucia estuary.
Visit Afrikhaya Guest House as your gateway to a wondrous outdoor environment: The Elephant Coast.
''The St.Lucia Wetland Park must be the only place on the globe where the world’s oldest land mammal (the rhinoceros) and the world’s biggest terrestrial mammal (the elephant) share an ecosystem with the world’s oldest fish (the coelacanth) and the world’s biggest marine mammal (the whale)”. This is what former president Nelson Mandela said when a herd of elephants was relocated into the Park.
IFAW International Fund for Animal Welfare - Think Twice, don't buy wildlife souvenirs
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